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Monday 7 September 2015

Ye Olde Depression Bored

If you'll indulge me, a selection of old posts here from my old MSN Groups site, Rodj71Online - these are all about my depression, that's why they were on the 'Depression Bored'. These do not seem like I wrote them 7 or 8 years ago. Crazy. I'm not 'better' yet.


From: Rodj71  (Original Message) Sent: 09/05/2007 18:15
No, I haven't suffered a lapse in my ability to spell, it's a play on words  This new message board is meant for me to have a right old moan about everything that's wrong in my life, in my head and in the world in general. Maybe it might be therapeutic. Maybe it might be inspirational or something... I doubt it though. Got fed up with writing the ocassional blog on - no-one reads it any way... and as that's the case, my thoughts may as well go on this site which I visit much more often, being the site manager and all... (being the only contributing member too!) Oh well, I will sod off now to make dinner - auf wiedersehen, meine leute!


From: Rodj71  (Original Message) Sent: 15/06/2007 11:22
 Greetings reader. Frustration rages inside me this morning, I feel I need to scream, but that's not the done thing, is it? Frustration at what..? At the world, at people, at my situation I'm 'stuck' in - I thought I was getting un-stuck - hmm, maybe not - but mainly it's well and truly aimed at myself. I want to rip my mind apart so the light that is my soul can find a crack to escape through and I can express my true self, something I can never seem to do. Yesterday evening I had a confrontation with our noisey neighbours and just said a little too much, and regretted it - I am not a 'people person' - the lines of my old song, I wrote way back in '94 or '95 'Unwanted Neighbour' keep on going through my mind on a regular basis, more and more these days - "My hatred of you is so intense... I don't just wish you were dead... I wish that you were never born... that's my hatred; it's so intense!!" - that was a heavy song, I wrote a lot of good, heavy songs! I wish I could do something with my songs. I had talent once. Now I'm ammounting to nothing, just as Mr Bromage at school said I would when I quit the 6th Form and he wrote me that crappy reference to North Herts College... Oh boy, did he have my number right! Any therapist would tell me that's faulty thinking, and that I can break the mould and change my fate, etc - heck, I always tell myself that too, that's sometimes what keeps me plodding onwards through life. But I cannot go and grab it, I cannot just go carpe diem, baby - it's beyond me. I wait for it to come to me. And it isn't coming, I know that by now - so what??? What becomes of me..? Jealous of the world for having a life, pissed off with all because they're better at socialising than me, they have friends and I don't, but at the same time looking down on them like some God with an ego the size of Everest, thinking I'm better than them, when really it's the other way around... What the heck do I do? What am I supposed to do with this life? How do I live? All I know is that once I had so much potential, but now I feel like a spent force... but I haven't done anything to expend me...

Okay - yes I have done things with my life - there's my wonderful marriage to Mandy and my 3 children, whom I love so much. That's an accomplishment, that's an achievement - many people don't have that. So I'm lucky. I have things that I dreamed of having when I was in my teens, a happy marriage to a woman who loves me and great kids who love me. But I need to do some actual 'things' with my life, like have a career, or get those novels finished off, or get back to my music, etc, etc, etc... But my spark, my creative spark - where's it gone. Can't seem to access it. When I do, it sputters, it isn't easy, nothing comes as easy as it used to. So I give up - that's easy enough, n'est pas? Is it all about control? Is the only thing which I have complete control over in my life the ability to not do stuff, and to give up? Ha - I'm sadder than I first thought!!! Am I hung-up in some pre-concrete operations stage, Piaget? Or maybe I got lost in that ever-so-well-explained latent stage, Herr Freud?! Listen to me, I'm now blaming dead psychologists. I liked being a student. Would I be able to do that again..? Do I have it in me..? 

Sometimes I think I'm okay, I'm 'on the up', getting better, then stuff happens like the thing with the neighbours last night, and it sends me spiralling downwards out of control till I crash into the Sea of Self Loathing once again, and I'm tossed against the rocks that represent the f**ked-up debris in my mind that were once healthy, cognitive apparatus but now resemble a blackened, twisted wreckage of some kind, and finally wash up on Depression Beach once again!! My word, that's dark! Tea and scones spiked with confidence, anyone?


From: Rodj71  (Original Message) Sent: 27/09/2007 09:47
Today I have a million and one things rattling round in my head - all things I feel that I urgently need to, or want to, be doing with my day. Trouble is I only have a few hours to get it all done in, and I take so long doing these things, and furthermore I get so damn easily distracted all the time, by any little thing... Heck, even writing this is a distraction!! And don't get me started on the Internet - I love it, but it's such a distraction! I want to write to Angie, write to Torsten, study/revise/learn/practice my German, write more of the current D&D game we started over the Summer (haven't touched that for weeks), continue getting more of the old Adv. Monthly magazine put onto my AM website (I made such a good start on that the other week), play a little of my Harvest Moon game, go out for a walk (it's nice and Sunny, and I suspect it's warmer out there than it is in this house!!), and perhaps watch some TV with Mandy... But I can't do all of that. There's not enough time in the day (before the kids get home from school and my free-time ends) As usual I will get two or three of those things done. One will definitely be my German work, as it is important to me (though verb endings are a bloody headache!) Another will probably be an e-mail-letter to Angie - sorry Torsten, if you're reading this, you will have top priority tomorrow!

Moan, moan, bloody moan!!!



From: Rodj71  (Original Message) Sent: 01/05/2008 11:14
Not good at all. Life at the moment. Again feeling like a small island lost in a massive ocean. Feelings of powerlessness. fear for my wife and her mental state. Fear for my daughter and her future if she is unable to 'pull her socks up'... but I don't think she can, those socks aren't really there. Perhaps we conveniently placed them on her in our imagination so there was that thing called hope. I feel betrayed by omnipresent individualism - society, my enemy... now I am worse than you? How did that happen? Society, I once wrote, is a contradiction - and I mean't that because it was full of individuals... but now I see it from the other way round - indivuality is a flippin' contradiction because of society... oh I dunno what I'm saying anymore. I'm so low I can taste the nickel and iron... What the f**k... basically...


From: Rodj71  (Original Message) Sent: 28/08/2008 12:05
I'm feeling so down today. Life seems pointless. I cannot get motivated to do anything, except sit around... Tammy the cat is reflecting this right back at me it seems - she's wandering round like a lost lamb, not sure what to do with herself... I feel the same way. Loads of things need doing, loads of things I could be doing... but the lack of motivation is too strong. I need more structure in my life, and a sort of timetable that I should create and stick to... But for now... (sigh!) I better try and make myself do something, even if it's just a computer game or watching TV, or else I'm going to fall asleep or something...


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