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Wednesday 9 September 2015

Spelling, Grammar and Social Media

First posted on Facebook by me, 9th Sept 2012. Apologies for the uncool, un-thought-out title!

Am I out of place, or sticking out like a sore thumb 'cos I like to spell correctly, use good grammar and a few longish words now and then..? Is bad spelling and grammar the etiquette in social networking sites nowadays?

I read an interesting article recently on the BBC website about how in other countries social sites are redefining the rules of their language. for example, French 'tu' or German 'du' are used in preference to 'vous' and 'Sie' which would be the norm in spoken or written language... up till now, at least. I think this is a shame, it is a loss of something important - respect. When I go into a shop, or the bank, I do not want to be addressed by my first name, or told to 'have a nice day' or any other falsity like that. I am not friends with the person, it is a service, and whilst friendly banter is perfectly okay and appreciated, false chumminess is a tad sickening.

The same thing applies as far as I am concerned with spelling, grammar and mutual respect for someone on Facebook. I am not a spelling / grammar Nazi as some of you probably suspect and I am not snobby or looking down on others - yes, I'm educated, but I don't think that enters into it. I only expect others to carry themselves in a social environment the same way I carry myself. I am in public on FB or other social media - well, my posts are, at least... so they reflect that fact. Many years ago these things would've been seen as a huge plus and gone in my favour, but nowadays they seem to be a bit of a set back to tell the truth. It brings to mind the 2006 film Idiocracy actually, which is pretty funny but makes a good point. Is it really getting to be like that; it's not cool to be clever, thoughtful, reflecting, polite or respectful of others any more..? At least it appears that way from what I see on FB and in Forums at times, on the news and in the world in general... Be intelligent and be into interesting or complex things and you're labelled boffin, nerd or geek. Or worse still, some sort of anal Nazi. Be thick as a brick, smoke pot and swear a lot and you're 'so kewl' (Gods, I can't believe I typed it that way!!)

Or maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy! Okay, rant over... :)

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