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Wednesday 23 September 2015


Stuck fast
Hoping it won't last
But stuck in the past
What a contrast!

Seems the more of me that time does uncover
Like an iceberg, there is more underneath
Feeling like there's me and also another...
What a complex tapestry all our lives weave

Feeling separate from the me of my mind
The multiples of of egos struggle for control
Some want what I once was, others to leave it all behind
But this constant mental turmoil really takes a toll

I'm stuck
Glued to my me
Whatever that may be
And not very happily

Seems the more I try and try to really understand
The harder it becomes for me to even point a finger
Can I identify the Nothing, can I make that demand?
Or will this uncertainty my whole life linger?

Dreaming dreams of wants and possibilities
There's parts of me that see no barriers at all
But other parts throw up walls and difficulties
I keep getting older and only know how to stall

Ever stuck
Stuck forever
Once so clever
Free me never

Rod Maughan, 23rd Sept 2015


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