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Monday 7 September 2015

It is done, I am done...

Grüße Alles. (Who's Alice?) Yes it is indeed done. I decided to go with what I felt inside and quit volunteering at the MS Centre after 7 and a bit years. I think 7 years is a good amount of time to give to a place, and over the years I have given a lot, and got a lot back in return. It bothers me a little that perhaps I've caved in and taken the path of least resistance - the easier option. But, well, it's not really the easier option because as I said previously, I now MUST get myself more voluntary work. It's not optional as far as I am concerned. I need it to keep me at least a little busy at times - I need the commitment, the routine and the sense of doing something worthwhile and helpful to others. To get me out of the house, a little time doing something that's just for me (ie, without my Mandy) and to expand and continue growing as a person. When you stop doing things, you stop growing - if you're not growing, your mind turns in on itself (I already feel that happening) - for the past 2 or 3 years at the MS Centre I wasn't doing as much as I used to do there, so that's the effect of that.

I feel I must proceed with a little caution though; I do not wish to be taking on too much, or be put into a position of authority again (not without levels of support in place) - I cannot entirely trust myself that I will not start to believe that I know best and possibly even quietly / subtly rebel against authority. And then it all falls apart. What's wrong with me?


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