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Wednesday 28 June 2017

Some thoughts on some weird dreams I had...

Written by Rod, June 2009

This is a favourite one of mine from from years ago, I used it in a D&D game, and have plans to maybe include it in a weird story. I was a kid on a foreign-exchange trip in Japan, and was on the train with a load of Japanese school kids, we came to a halt in the countryside and everyone started getting off the train. We were on one side of a huge valley, in the centre of which was some massive construction work going on, except all the girders, and cranes, and stuff were all different colours, like lego blocks. Lots of workmen in yellow hard hats were busy at work, but dominating the scene was this humongous big brain, hovering over the valley. It had tendrils / nerves coming from it, and I noticed that each one was attached to one of the workers, like it was controlling them. Then more tendrils started coming towards my group on the valley side, and there was panic. Some people / kids were taken straight away, but myself and a group of other kids got the doors closed. We made our way through the train to the end, and then outside. We ran around the edge of the valley, trying to keep out of sight, till we came to some little creatures, who turned out to be Ewoks from Star Wars, who were fighting off the tendrils, and we joined in. Then the dream shifted slightly, the way that dreams do, and I was myself as an adult and jumping off a huge cliff and landing on the Millennium Falcon (also from Star Wars!) I felt relief at having escaped, but then as the spaceship went up through the atmosphere into space I became panicky and was suffocating. I woke up with a start!

As I say, I used the brain valley thing in a D&D game as it inspired me. I love weird stuff like that, and my dreams are often a source of inspiration for me. The thing that makes my scary dreams really scary though is the weird, surreal atmosphere and also the scary, ominous music which I get. When I was a bit younger I used to wake up and go straight on my keyboard or guitar and try to remember it and work it out. A couple of my earlier songs I've written feature some weird dream music, especially this one I called Him From Below, which was a dream (and subsequent song) based on the author HP Lovecraft's weird world full of Gothic horror and subterranean, ancient evil Gods.

In that particular dream, which I must have had when I was only about 16 or 17, I was going through underground tunnels and everything was covered in slime, and it was even all over me, dripping off. It was quite claustrophobic and a bit suffocating, and there was panicky overtones because I couldn't find the way out of where ever I was. Eventually I came to a large cavern, filled with the jelly-like slime, and there was some massive octopus-like creature with loads of tentacles, and it was sort of humming - the humming was both it breathing and speaking at the same time and it was describing all the possible and horrible things it could do to me. And that's when the scary music started, and I was suddenly in a car, driving frantically away from a cottage in the middle of nowhere. The cottage exploded behind me and all slime and big huge tentacles gushed out of it and started chasing the car I was driving, which promptly started running out of petrol. Not sure what happened next, but in the next bit of the dream I was in a city, wearing white robes with a red eye painted on the front, and I was shouting stuff about the end of the world and trying to hand out leaflets to passers by, who were beating me up all the time, whenever I tried to talk to them... And that was that dream.

To touch on a few other disturbing, weird ones I have had quickly... Getting shot in the head twice whilst lost in a big industrial estate and looking for my way back into town, seeing myself with multiple head wounds and acting as if nothing had happened... being stabbed slowly in the boys loos at school by some big fat ginger kid, and dying slowly to the music of "morning has broken"... waking up one morning and everyone else except me had no skin, their organs were all visible, and they just carried on as normal as if everything was okay... and a horrible recurring dream I had for many years when younger about awful things coming on the TV late at night, and the remote control won't work to switch it off, and so I try to unplug it, but the TV doesn't go off even after that, and it get's louder, and the freaky music starts and I am forced to watch - usually it's stuff like brain surgery or an amputation or execution, etc...

It is nice sometimes when you awaken in the night in the middle of a dream, and then pick up where you left off upon going back to sleep. Unless it's a nasty dream, in which case you don't want it to carry on! If you keep a dream diary for long enough, you will find that many of your dreams repeat or continue themselves at some point in your life, it's very interesting.

I find it's always the case that when I need to get up for the loo in the night I am always dreaming about going to the loo or trying to find a toilet just before waking up!! A very odd dream I had a few times years ago involved me relieving myself in public places, but instead of pee, loads of little streamers came out, like when you let off a party popper, and all the people around started clapping and laughing! Bizarre... :-))

OK, I will shut up now.

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