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Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Some thoughts on some weird dreams I had...

Written by Rod, June 2009

This is a favourite one of mine from from years ago, I used it in a D&D game, and have plans to maybe include it in a weird story. I was a kid on a foreign-exchange trip in Japan, and was on the train with a load of Japanese school kids, we came to a halt in the countryside and everyone started getting off the train. We were on one side of a huge valley, in the centre of which was some massive construction work going on, except all the girders, and cranes, and stuff were all different colours, like lego blocks. Lots of workmen in yellow hard hats were busy at work, but dominating the scene was this humongous big brain, hovering over the valley. It had tendrils / nerves coming from it, and I noticed that each one was attached to one of the workers, like it was controlling them. Then more tendrils started coming towards my group on the valley side, and there was panic. Some people / kids were taken straight away, but myself and a group of other kids got the doors closed. We made our way through the train to the end, and then outside. We ran around the edge of the valley, trying to keep out of sight, till we came to some little creatures, who turned out to be Ewoks from Star Wars, who were fighting off the tendrils, and we joined in. Then the dream shifted slightly, the way that dreams do, and I was myself as an adult and jumping off a huge cliff and landing on the Millennium Falcon (also from Star Wars!) I felt relief at having escaped, but then as the spaceship went up through the atmosphere into space I became panicky and was suffocating. I woke up with a start!

As I say, I used the brain valley thing in a D&D game as it inspired me. I love weird stuff like that, and my dreams are often a source of inspiration for me. The thing that makes my scary dreams really scary though is the weird, surreal atmosphere and also the scary, ominous music which I get. When I was a bit younger I used to wake up and go straight on my keyboard or guitar and try to remember it and work it out. A couple of my earlier songs I've written feature some weird dream music, especially this one I called Him From Below, which was a dream (and subsequent song) based on the author HP Lovecraft's weird world full of Gothic horror and subterranean, ancient evil Gods.

In that particular dream, which I must have had when I was only about 16 or 17, I was going through underground tunnels and everything was covered in slime, and it was even all over me, dripping off. It was quite claustrophobic and a bit suffocating, and there was panicky overtones because I couldn't find the way out of where ever I was. Eventually I came to a large cavern, filled with the jelly-like slime, and there was some massive octopus-like creature with loads of tentacles, and it was sort of humming - the humming was both it breathing and speaking at the same time and it was describing all the possible and horrible things it could do to me. And that's when the scary music started, and I was suddenly in a car, driving frantically away from a cottage in the middle of nowhere. The cottage exploded behind me and all slime and big huge tentacles gushed out of it and started chasing the car I was driving, which promptly started running out of petrol. Not sure what happened next, but in the next bit of the dream I was in a city, wearing white robes with a red eye painted on the front, and I was shouting stuff about the end of the world and trying to hand out leaflets to passers by, who were beating me up all the time, whenever I tried to talk to them... And that was that dream.

To touch on a few other disturbing, weird ones I have had quickly... Getting shot in the head twice whilst lost in a big industrial estate and looking for my way back into town, seeing myself with multiple head wounds and acting as if nothing had happened... being stabbed slowly in the boys loos at school by some big fat ginger kid, and dying slowly to the music of "morning has broken"... waking up one morning and everyone else except me had no skin, their organs were all visible, and they just carried on as normal as if everything was okay... and a horrible recurring dream I had for many years when younger about awful things coming on the TV late at night, and the remote control won't work to switch it off, and so I try to unplug it, but the TV doesn't go off even after that, and it get's louder, and the freaky music starts and I am forced to watch - usually it's stuff like brain surgery or an amputation or execution, etc...

It is nice sometimes when you awaken in the night in the middle of a dream, and then pick up where you left off upon going back to sleep. Unless it's a nasty dream, in which case you don't want it to carry on! If you keep a dream diary for long enough, you will find that many of your dreams repeat or continue themselves at some point in your life, it's very interesting.

I find it's always the case that when I need to get up for the loo in the night I am always dreaming about going to the loo or trying to find a toilet just before waking up!! A very odd dream I had a few times years ago involved me relieving myself in public places, but instead of pee, loads of little streamers came out, like when you let off a party popper, and all the people around started clapping and laughing! Bizarre... :-))

OK, I will shut up now.

Conversation with Myself (written November 2015)

A Collection of Me
Rod Maughan

Time to split up my personalities
Into an assortment of pieces of me
They argue about values and possibilities
They’ll never stop till I cease to be

Time to take a look at what I all say
So many different questions come into play
So many different answers I can generate
Yet all the time conscious of just one Fate

For all the differences the blocks are the same
I self mutilate, I disable and I maim
Life chances may be few but hope does still remain
Do I want to turn it round or do I want to refrain?


Black and White, Good and Bad

Side A - the ‘Good’ Guys
The Carer - Empathic, Friendly, Loving, Listening Rod
The Hero - Responsible, Righteous, Do-Good Rod
The Artist - Creative, Imaginative Rod
The Scholar - Intelligent, Inquisitive, Knowledge-Hungry Rod
The Optimist - Hopeful, Potential Rod
The Spiritual - Humble, Meek, Accepting Rod
The Jester - Fun-Loving, Happy, Care-Free Rod

Side B - the ‘Bad’ Guys
The Nothing - Apathetic, Hopeless, Depressed Rod
The Destroyer - Self-Hating, Self-Depreciating, Lack-of-Esteem Rod
Mr Angry - Raging, Intolerant, Nihilistic Rod
The Control Freak - Irritable, Impatient, Frustrated, Selfish Rod
The Green Monster - Resentful, Envious Rod
Mr Superior - Egotistical, Know-it-all, God-like Rod
Mr Paranoia - Self-Doubting, Untrusting, Cynical, Suspicious Rod


The Carer - he wants what is best for others. He wants to help others, improve and make a difference to their lives. He enjoys listening to other’s stories about their past, he gives good empathy and others can trust in him. He is a loyal and good friend; he cares deeply, so deeply the emotion can sometimes overwhelm him.

The Hero - his goals may be unrealistic at times but he is sticking to them. He hates any injustice and cruelty - he wants to change the world for the better - be a force for good in the world, make a real difference. He is courageous and self-sacrificing and believes that all life forms deserve respect, equality and freedom.

The Artist - loves to create using his words primarily, music in the past. He has an incredible imagination and has no difficulty grasping weird, alien concepts - even if he doesn’t get it right away, he loves the aesthetic experience. He can lose himself in a book, a film or a computer game. He is a dreamer and creator of strange imaginary worlds and characters.

The Scholar - he is a scientist. He is logical and objective and applies the rules of science to his world around him. He has a thirst for learning new things and marvels at the new knowledge he discovers. He wants to share with others his knowledge, because knowledge = power and therefore freedom and possibilities, whilst ignorance leads nowhere.

The Optimist - yearns for a better future. He knows there is potential in everyone and in himself, if only it can be unlocked. He believes everyone has the power to self-actualise. He never gives up hope in the world and himself, no matter how bad things get, there will always be a brighter tomorrow possible and he always gives people the benefit of the doubt.

The Spiritual - he embraces the idea of the soul and a oneness with all things. He knows the meaning of life is to give meaning to your life and that the Journey is the important thing, not the destination. He knows his place in the universe and is content with that - he is overcome with great wonder and emotion when he thinks about the miracle of life. He is a pacifist and wants peace, understanding and unity for the world.

The Jester - delights in making others laugh and having fun. The more the merrier. At times his wit may be a little too abstract or clever for some, but he is more than willing to dumb it down to get the laughs coming in. He amuses himself too and can laugh (nicely) at himself - he loves it when he himself smiles and laughs, those times are priceless.


The Nothing - like a suffocating blanket the nothing takes all light and air and energy. It appears like a sudden fog seeping up from within. It is cold, it is featureless and it is desolate. It feeds off apathy which makes it grow - its needs met so easily, it is the path of least resistance, the effortless slide into the blackest Abyss. It is a parasite from an alien place.

The Destroyer - is a destroyer of the self who thrives on self negativity and self hatred. He is seemingly only too happy to fail and learn nothing from the lesson, but rather accept it and embrace the pain of yet another failure as his lot in life. He hurts himself emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. He is a friend to no-one and just wants to keep suffering; he wears his defeats like badges of honour.

Mr Angry - he rages at other people, at himself, and the world in general. His anger is unsurpassed and immeasurable. He wants to shake people till they see sense or till their necks snap. He wants to shake himself - he wants to shout louder than anyone ever has. So unjust and unfair has this world been to him, his violent temper will tear the world apart. He is fury unbound, is so frightening and must be kept in check constantly.

The Control Freak - has no time for the imperfection and lack of knowledge or wisdom of others and seeks to control the world because only he knows best how to do so. He is the one who enforces counting, odds and evens, where to look or step and where not to, or something bad will happen he threatens. He cannot settle till everything is ‘just so’, and if it isn’t, or cannot be brought to order, then he has no time for that and dismisses the whole thing as a write-off, not worthy of his attention...

The Green Monster - craves that which others have got with a great unhealthy desire. He thinks that he deserves it more, he should have this, and the others do not deserve it (whether it is material wealth, possessions or simply happiness and opportunities in life). He hates and mistrusts other people who have more than him. He is so ugly and he knows it; he must be shunned, kept out of the light.

Mr Superior - with seemingly noble intentions, Mr S quickly shows his true colours. He is egotistical beyond compare. He looks down on others. He knows best, he has a plan for all things, but is always on shaky ground. He lives in fear that his bluff will be called and he will be exposed as the fraud he is. He is a jack of all trades, master of none. Worst of all he embellishes stories, exaggerates things, to make him look better, even when not needed.

Mr Paranoid - sickly and pale, Mr P expects the worst from others. He does not trust them - surely they only mean to harm him, they are judging, talking about him, looking at him - he cannot stand it. He does not even trust himself with his own decision making - he does not trust that he will ever make anything of himself. Suspicious of everyone, even himself, Mr P hides in the darkness afraid of his own shadow.


It is easy to see how these archetypes overlay and interact with each other creating the rich tapestry of myself. And also how such a complex weave is nigh impossible to keep track of. Positive traits mix with negative, sometimes to good effect, but sometimes with disastrous effect. With such complexity it is a wonder I have got anywhere in life. But other people have this sort of set-up too (I assume!) How on Earth do they manage to live their lives, to be successful, or even get any traction off the starting blocks? Do they just ignore it or are they blissfully ignorant of their deeper selves..? Why aren’t I? Truly there were times earlier on in my life when this multitude of traits didn’t hold me up and I just kind of went with the flow... Why is there no flow anymore? I have stopped it - I must have done. Either through unresolved blocks which have built up over a life time, or consciously - maybe because I have ‘given up?’ Life’s too hard to even try any more. Yes the negative side has indeed got the upper hand these past years... but the positive side is still there, and needs to be freed. The positive side is what makes things happen - whether they end up as good or bad outcomes is less important really, as long as my life is moving again. If a good outcome: fantastic. If a bad outcome: learn from it and keep moving. So... the conversation / interview between the two estranged halves of Rod...

Positive Rod is sitting up straight, he is smartly dressed and has a smile on his face and gleam in his eyes. He is close shaven, and has used Just For Men to get rid of all the grey in his hair, and has been losing weight for some time. This makes him feel more confident. He is alert, refreshed and attentive - looking forward to engaging in the conversation, open to possibilities and hopeful about helping his counterpart whom he cares for deeply.

Negative Rod is kind of slouched. His back hurts, his hips, his knees - everything aches. He feels bloated and he is rather disgusted with himself and his appearance. He is scruffy-looking, unshaven, unwashed for a few days. He feels fat and ugly and is embarrassed to have gone out in public to get to this meeting. He wonders why he bothered. He is prepared to be irritated by Positive Rod - prepared to stubbornly defend his position, if only with ‘just because’. If all else fails, there’s always ‘just because’ to fall back on.

Welcome to you both. Can we start by asking what you both hope to get from this conversation?

PR - I would like to let NR know that I am prepared to be his friend. I would like to help him to help himself - lend my positive traits for the benefit of the whole. I wish he would use me more and not so sparingly. The potential is great if we work together.

NR - Well, yes, we are in the same mind. I do appreciate and use some traits from PR as supports - I am not in complete denial. But at the same time, I am conscious of trying to be something that I am not. Worried about rocking the boat (and even falling out) I have come to a place where I am starting to accept my lot in life and make peace with that. I’m a small fish in a big ocean, it is unrealistic and frankly too much effort to try and be any more. Those dreams of my younger days are now history.

PR - That makes me sad to hear you talk like that. There is always potential for more and nothing is impossible.

NR - I am not denying that. I am only saying, not for me. You can try and support me all you want, but I have proven again and again that I get so far along and then snap back like I’m attached to a rubber band.

PR - We need to cut that rubber band. There was a time, when you were a lot younger, when it was not really a thing.

NR - No. It has been there most of my life. It’s part of me - the part that keeps me from over-stretching and failing even more drastically.

PR - What the hell? Such faulty thinking. For one who helps write such intelligent words coming from a combination of life experience, psychology and spirituality - you are a master of alternative thinking. You tell others to think for themselves, not follow blindly the words of others. You know how to think outside of the box, because we do it together.

NR - Whatever.

Okay, let’s actually get to the heart of the matter - what I want to know is what you would like from each other - what you need from your other half, that you feel would be beneficial to helping solve this life crisis? Perhaps there’s some common ground you can meet and work better together for yourself...

NR - I would like Him to get off his high horse of unrealistic expectations and ultra morality and face the fact that -

No, that is what you want him to do. What do you need from him..?

NR - .................................

PR - I need him to start having more faith in us again, believing in ourselves. My helping hand is there and I wish he would take it more often. Not just in the smaller things, but in the grand scheme of our life. We have done well in past endeavours, we can do well - even better - in the future, if only you could have more faith and trust in me. I am there for you, I don’t want to see you miserable.

NR - I want help and support, that is true. Perhaps more help and support than he can give.

PR - I can give as much as you’ll ever need.

NR - The negativity is so strong. The comfort zone is so safe and warm and known. From it I can still reach out and do good things, make an impact on the world.

PR - I don’t want to ‘bargain’ with you like this, it’s so desperate sounding. I know you want an easy life, which is saddening, but you’re selling yourself short. You like a good challenge, and a comfort zone is easily changed or expanded. Remember when your comfort zone used to include a whole university? How comfortable and safe you would feel within its walls, like a second home! Or at college. Or at the MS Centre, same thing, and with all those people coming and going all the time - you used to really like meeting the new starters and training up other operators. Let me help you on the next adventure and let it lead somewhere new and exciting.

NR - Yeah, I am negative Rod, but not stupid Rod. I do acknowledge that and I do want that for us again. But it will be a temporary thing. Maybe it’s my age now, nearly 44 - I know that’s not old, but you have to admit, it’s getting to be not young any more either. Especially the way I feel inside. So all these temporary things... all these false starts... A lot of effort expended to just end up back at square one again.

PR - Listen, the truth is I don’t care if we embark on another 20 temporary things - those things will be just as valuable as one permanent thing, say a career. Don’t get me wrong - I think you could, you should, have a career as something - a care worker, a counsellor, a psychologist, a teacher, a medical researcher, an author, a librarian... you know what our strong points are, what we could potentially do. BUT if all we ever do are temporary, voluntary things - if you put your all into it - I will be just as happy for us. Because it will be so meaningful. You don’t get it - just stop doing nothing and start some movement going.

NR - Yeah, I guess...

What do you both feel you would bring to the table that would enable you two to work better as a whole? Any traits in particular..?

PR - Enthusiasm, self confidence, energy.

NR - Energy? Remember we’re both is this same body...

PR - Yes, the drive is there mentally, just needs honing. The physical energy would come back with time, when physical changes are made (ie, losing weight)

NR - I know I am so fat. I know the battle of the mind must be won first. It’s too hard.

PR - Not if you let me help you.

NR - But you’re me and I’m you!! I don’t want to be helped.

PR - You really do though, don’t you? You know you do. You know only you, well we, can help us when it comes right down to it. We’ve written it down and said it to others many times - others can show us the door, even help us pick the lock, but it is we who have to walk through it.

NR - The resistance is so powerful though, and I can’t fight it. I don’t know how to take your hand, I can’t find it in the dark, everything’s so intangible, so vague, I don’t recognise myself. I don’t know who I really am, and I am not sure I ever really knew myself... I must have been living it all wrong. I don’t know how I’m supposed to live..! (starts sobbing...)

PR reaches out to comfort NR, but NR pulls away, immediately wishing he hadn’t. There is a brief interlude to regain composure.

So, just to continue from before, can I now ask you NR what you feel you might contribute to PR, towards making a better whole person? What traits in particular?

NR - Pragmatism, realism, grounding. Not over extending oneself beyond what is within one’s capabilities. I know He’s going to say something like - ‘you don’t know unless you try, you should never stop trying’, etc - but he would spend his life jumping up to try and catch the Moon in a butterfly net or crusading to make everybody vegetarian. Yes, there’s truth and strength and even Wisdom in some of his traits and words, but there is also an air of fantasy to it. I am sure we can both agree on the Yin and Yang thing - there is darkness in light, and light in darkness, you can’t have one without the other. We both accept that, yes?

PR - Yes, I know that is so. And I am sorry if I irritate you. How can I not want for the best though? How can I betray those principles I stand for?

NR - Well, you don’t have to. You only need to tone them down a bit so you’re not shouting them in my face whenever I glance in your direction.

PR - ..............................................

NR - You know... I think I do remarkably well most days considering all the turmoil and darkness I have inside. The Artist in you borrows heavily from The Nothing in me.

PR - And your Mr Angry, Mr Paranoia and the Green Monster are soothed by my Spirituality and reason.

So you both recognise that you are already helping each other all the time?

Rod - I am a human being, for better or for worse. I have many sides to me. There are not only these archetypes within me, but also the many masks that I wear. The many faces I portray. I am not perfect. But I am not worthless. Like everyone, I fall somewhere along that spectrum. My negative side has been more powerful, because it requires less effort to fuel it. My positive side is still there and wants more for me. If I am honest my Positive side is disgusted at my Negative side, the weight, the depression, the pathetic waste of life. And conversely my Negative side is in denial of the positive side because it is an uncomfortable reminder of how better I could / should be with effort...


Ten Years Past
By Rod Maughan
(A reaction from the 18 year old me of 1990 to the 28 year old me of 2000)

I heard you were looking for me, enquiring about who you used to be
Something colourful - get yourself seen... Well I wonder if you could still do that...
I heard you’d got into a big mess and that now you like yourself a whole lot less
It came as a surprise I must confess; yeah I wonder how you got yourself in trouble like that

You may be older and wiser than me
But you’ve only got a fraction of my energy
You’ve got the experience and maturity
But you’ll never be able to run like me

I am the You of ten years ago
Why the Hell did you let me go?
Now you come crawling back but things are not the same
You’ve got a lot of work to do to get back in the Game

Are you afraid to walk the old walk, can you remember to talk the old talk?
It seems a hundred years since we were united; yeah, I’m not sure if I want you back
I had dreams and such high expectations but then you ‘emerged’ and they all disappeared
Seemed on the right track but then got lost - talk to me in your mind; visit me in your dreams

If we can think past the image then you might be alright
Maybe I can use you in the fight
No, I know it’s our fight - it’s the big fight
One big fight for all that is right

I used to ride like the wind, nobody stood before me
I was like pure energy and the world would know my wrath!
I would go and make a difference, I would fight all injustice
I would take a big stand for everything I believed in

But what do you do? You never practice what you preach
You’re so afraid of everything, you’re even afraid of yourself
But there is still potential, combing old with new
We could forge a better person... but you have to want it too...

25 Years (a sequel of sorts...)
By Rod Maughan

The years have flown, but my dreams never took off
Here I am, still grounded, still not aloft
I could have predicted this - I knew life was a bust
And I tried to warn you, but you just could not trust...
And so here I am sitting, all reflecting and sad
Mourning the lost years I feel I never really had
Well I tried to tell you, through vision and words
But you were unreachable and you thought me absurd

So let me get this straight, and I’m trying not to hate
You’re now 15 more years on - don’t you think it’s getting late?
I’d need the patience of a saint to understand all your complaints
But I’m just a young man trying to enjoy my life...

My envy is lich-like, I crave for what had so briefly been
I need your life and energy, yet I deserve nothing so serene
He does not heed your words; he deserves to be kept blind
What he don’t know can’t hurt him, the Fate he has been assigned

Don’t you talk about me like I am not even there!
Don’t think for one second that I don’t have a care
Where do you think you came from, the both of you that mope?
It’s not my fault you’ve screwed it up and given up your hope

So when you run, when you feel strong
Feel the youthful energy course through your body
You deserve nothing less, I want it for you
Be the best 18 year old Rodney Maughan

I had my song, I had my days
I made mistakes that you’re still paying for today
He is our hope in the future-past
This idealised young version of Rod Maughan

You bring me fear, you bring me pain
I try to see things through your eyes but I’m dismayed
All I can do is try to live my life
And I remain the young man Rodney Maughan


by Rod Maughan

1              I think you should know, before you have a go
                That I've been put down - right down to the ground
                And though I know you can't see, there's no-one else that I could be
                I know that in my own heart I'm standing right back at the start

2              Life is a game, nothing more - I cannot tell you what lies in store
                But there are more rules than anything else...
                And the rules are all there - we know; we've felt
                So it's time to roll the dice again

Br            You plunder blindly on but you can never win
                So you look for a point but you know there is none
                And you think about death and there is nowhere to run

3              Fear plays in your mind
                Confusion melts your logic
                Hatred slices at your heart
                Desire fires you like heroin
                Depression takes your spirit away
                Turmoil eats your inner soul
                Ignorance stares you in the face
                And you know you've lost the human race!

4              Hope shines so far, far away
                Temptation makes you want to cry
                Love is hatred in disguise
                Pain is your drug - it keeps you going
                Anguish - oh you'd love to kill
                Happiness proves to be another illusion
                Sorrow, you cannot cry any more
                You don't even know what this punishment is for!


5              The anger plays inside your mind - it's bouncing about in your brain
                The anger is trying to escape your mind - it's disintegrating your brain
                Let it out - let it free - but do it slowly
                Let it out - let it free - but do it slowly

This song I’ve included here - “Thoughts” - is one that I can now look back on in wonder. At the time I wrote it, it was merely a collection of random ideas and thoughts. But in retrospect the nearly 19 year old Rod wrote some words which seem quite prophetic. I can look back on them and relate them to various times between then and now. It also shows that even back then I saw anger as a negative thing and sought to cage it, bind it and keep it hidden away. Or at best, release it slowly and in a controlled way. On another note, no pun intended, I wish I could remember how to play it, especially the faster parts!

Misophonia & Me (written August 2015)

My Misophonia began around the age of 10 or 11 I think in the early 1980s. My first triggers were my parents eating noisily - real sloppy sounding chomping that used to get right under my skin. I would avoid eating with them as much as possible, often leaving the dinner table early, saying I was full, which I wasn’t. At first I don’t remember seeing red like I would nowadays - it was more of a revulsion and urge to get away from it. As I got a bit older, my teens were full of arguments with my parents about them eating noisily (and other things!) By this time I was never eating with them. This is when I started first noticing other triggers too, again from my parents. My parents talking with their mouths full, my Dad biting his nails, whistling, singing (when I was in bed, trying to go to sleep at night, often they’d have a late supper of tea and toast - the toast smell started really bothering me!), my Mum’s gross habits, bringing up phlegm whilst eating and spitting it into a tissue, my Mum brushing her teeth and spitting into the sink. And in my teens I began to be triggered by non-family too - friends, friends parents, complete strangers, and things on TV. I remember thinking from a young age that I was a little strange and different from other people, and the Misophonia (though I had no clue it was an actual ‘thing’ back then) just confirmed that for me.

When I was 19 I started dating the girl who’d become my wife and start a family with. By the time I was 21 we had a daughter and a son on the way. I went back to college and then went to university. A second son born in 1996. My degree took me up to 1998. The 1990s were a bit of a blur for me and I do not really remember Misophonia being such an issue - I’m sure it was there, certainly I remember quite early on in our relationship my wife’s snoring and weird ‘clicking’ sound she makes (like a tap dripping!) gave me many a sleepless night and caused us eventually to sleep separately, which we still do to this day... I also remember the neighbour’s DIY really affecting me too (at that time we had neighbours who seemed to be always doing something noisy involving sawing and hammering!) But perhaps because I was so busy and there was such a lot going on, maybe the Misophonia lessened somewhat. But my memory of the ‘90s is a bit fuzzy. During my degree I began suffering from depression, which got a lot worse after I finished, and I only worked for a short time after that before leaving the job due to ill health and becoming a ‘house-husband’, raising the children whilst my wife worked. My wife also suffered from depression, later diagnosed as bi-polar, and she has made several suicide attempts over the years, the most recent in 2010 L

Sometime around early 2000s I really noticed my Misophonia getting bad again and also trypophobia, a visual revulsion of certain patterns and textures. I had always also been a little OCD and I noticed that getting worse too - doing things a certain number of times and feeling restless and unsettled, like something bad was going to happen if I didn’t obey. During the mid 2000s we had a terrible experience with a private landlord who tricked us and we almost ended up homeless. Thankfully we didn’t, but the next house we lived in (which we had to accept) we had terrible neighbours and this led to me having anxiety and panic attacks as well as depression which really brought my life to a complete standstill. I had counselling, one-on-one CBT, and a variety of different meds till I found one that helped a bit. I gradually got better, started going to college again and started voluntary work.

In 2011 we moved again, but again ended up with bad neighbours which led to both my wife’s and my own depression worsening - it was in late 2011 I discovered the term Misophonia by absent-mindedly putting “eating noises disgust me” into Google just to see what I’d get back. I really don’t know why I didn’t think of doing that sooner - I had been able to go online from home since 1999. I suppose it was because I thought it was my own private Hell. But imagine my surprise! It was a massive relief to suddenly find that I was not alone, not a freak, and soon after that I joined the Misophonia group on Facebook.

Sorry if that was a bit lengthy, I suppose I wanted to set the scene for you.

My Misophonia is currently moderate to bad, has been for a long time now. I am triggered by the usual things I have already mentioned (including my parents when we see them (once or twice a week)) but lots of newer things. Bassy music, dogs barking, my cats washing themselves, my wife brushing her hair, cutlery scraping on plates, clattering of pots and pans, certain tones of voice (nasally ones are worst), sniffing, coughing, throat clearing, noisy cars and bikes... well, the list goes on and on. And the visual triggers are worse too - my wife takes a lot of different meds for various things - some of this makes her fidget uncontrollably, wiggling her fingers and toes, it is hell for me. She is very understanding but because she doesn’t realise she’s doing it, she’ll start it up again sometimes just seconds after apologising and stopping it. I cannot stand people eating around me whilst I am seated and they are standing. My tolerance levels are a lot lower than they used to be. I often resort to wearing earphones and listening to music or white noise.

If someone sits behind me on the bus and is fidgeting or eating or breathing heavily, the earphones have to go in. Little noises in the night bother me and I have to fall asleep listening to music.

For me, it is the whole thing - the depression, OCD, Misophonia, trypophobia, and my sensitivity (which I’m sorry, I haven’t really talked about) - I am extremely sensitive and am easily moved by beautiful music, stories, and just thinking and life and death. I feel like an misplaced person in this world. I feel like I belong in some other world, like a square shape trying to fit in a round hole. The whole thing is just so overwhelmingly unbearable and I just do not know how to live. I am intelligent enough to reason things through of course and I have never quite been suicidal myself, but I can easily see how Misophonia and other conditions can make people feel that way.

I avoid triggers like the plague, which makes it very difficult to operate in the world. I am so lucky I have an understanding wife and (now adult) children who love me - that is what keeps me here. When I really cannot avoid triggers I either become increasingly agitated till I have to just flee or I explode in a rage. This has only happened a few times because I usually get to flee or avoid. But when it has happened, and one time was my Mum, it has been ugly and I have felt so foolish afterwards. I have tried to talk to my parents about it but Dad is of the generation that doesn’t really believe in anything like that (pull yer socks up and get on with it, is his attitude) and Mum is just too wrapped up in herself. Never mind.

I can honestly say I do not know what the future holds for me - I fear, just more of the same - it feels like I am just marking time. This condition, which I tried to get help for but the NHS in my area were no use (“you can un-learn this behaviour with exposure therapy” - I tried, it was awful!) and I cannot afford to go private. So it all feels rather hopeless. I am 43 and have worked very little in my life, excluding voluntary work, and even that I am not doing right now (another story though!) I cannot see how I could tolerate working with other people. I read the stories people tell in the Facebook group and wonder how I would cope in that situation, and I know I wouldn’t.

I think the very worst thing about this condition though (apart from the triggers themselves)  is the awkwardness - how absurd it sounds when you try to explain it to others - how you feel you couldn’t even begin to explain it. How quickly people dismiss it as a silly quirk. It’s easier to just run away, put earphones in to mask triggers - there’s such a stigma. That is the worst thing for me, even though I no longer feel like such a freak and alone in having this, the awful awkwardness remains.

The Barbarians (1987) film review

Rod’s Fantasy Film Reviews

The Barbarians

1987, USA / Italy, directed by Ruggero Deodato, starring David & Peter Paul, Richard Lynch

(Also known as The Barbarian Brothers)

This review contains many spoilers.

Re-watching this film the other day the first time since probably 1990-ish I forgot just how much fun it was. This is a fantasy-comedy in all but name - it is far too whacky and oddball to be anything else - the film doesn’t take itself seriously, and I pity any viewer who tries to do so. Grow a sense of humour... bone... or something.

The opening music seems a tad out of place, but we kick off with some standardised sword & sorcery type narration, setting the scene. The Ragniks are a peaceful tribe of gypsy travellers and entertainers who have adopted three children who were orphaned. Two boys named Kutchek and Gore, and a girl named Kara. The tribe’s most precious possession is... wait for it, the Belly Stone. It is a large dazzling ruby which is magical and is passed down from one Ragnik queen to the next - it is a symbol of all the tribe are, and the current queen is called... wait for it, Queen Canary.

Anyway, evil warlord Kadar (Richard Lynch, Sword & the Sorcerer and so many other things) decides he must have the Belly Stone. He and his cronies including ambitious sorceress China, attack the Ragniks wagons, killing many and capturing the queen. Poor Canary spends the next few years in a cage. Tweet tweet. Kadar is in love with her and wants to marry her so, whilst he still really wants the gem, he doesn’t want to upset her too much either, much to the disgust of China (the sorceress and wannabe power behind the throne). But Canary managed to give the magic gem to an underling before she was captured and so the precious is hidden away to keep it safe.

The bad guys also capture the barbarian brothers, quite why Kadar doesn’t have them killed after one of them bites off several of his fingers, is beyond me. He has a plan for them though, however first they must begin their ‘training’ working in the pit. I thought this was going to be a gladiatorial pit, but it’s actually a stone quarry, and they spend the next few years moving huge boulders around and becoming extremely muscle bound. Seriously huge fellows like double Conans.

They are indeed also taught to fight with weapons eventually and are forced to slay vicious dogs and ambivalent snakes. Probably people too I guess. Kadar’s sadistic plan for them involves keeping them separated and having them regularly beaten - one is beaten by a brute in a black helm, and the other by (probably the same actor, let’s face it) a brute in a bronze helm. A show is arranged and they put each helm on each brother and so they have been conditioned to fight to the death against their opponent who beat them all those years. Doesn’t quite pan out like that as helmets come off and the first of many classic lines are uttered, something like: “Hey, what the hell are you doing with my face?!” These barbarians are joyously stupid, especially Gore. They quickly remember each other and then they fight their way out of the city, making short work of anyone in their way.

They find a woman in a cage in the woods who has been captured by the Ragniks and are quickly then themselves captured with a big net. At first the Ragnik’s do not believe the brothers are who they say they are (the leader insults one of them by called him a fatty, and he replies with another classic quip: “Who are you calling fatty, Moosehead!”) - they attempt to hang them, along with the girl, but the barbarians are much too tough - one of them simply flexes his enormous neck muscles and breaks the rope. The other one tears half the hanging tree down. But then the Ragniks see that the fellas bear the Mark of the Open Road, so therefore they must be the barbarian twins after all. Yay.

Soon the three of them are sent off on a quest (the woman joins them, she’s called Ismena) in which they must infiltrate Kadar’s palace and rescue Queen Canary. “We can do that, look at us, we’re HUGE!” ha ha ha, I am genuinely laughing as I recall all their classic lines.

They go the “Bucket of Blood” tavern, probably not named after the classic 1959 offbeat horror film of the same name featuring a fellow who plaster casts dead people to make really realistic statues in an attempt to fit in to the cool arty club... well that’s a story for some other time I guess... Errr, the Bucket of Blood tavern, where many scantily clad dancers entertain the patrons - one of our heroes (probably Kutchek, let’s say) then gets into an arm wrestling match with another big tough looking warrior who seems extremely confident. However the other fellow quickly realises he can’t possibly win and so has his pet snake brought in to frighten Kutchek. This annoys Kutchek who loudly hisses back at the huge snake and frightens it away! Oh yes... that happened. He wins the arm wrestle, I think breaking the table in the process and there follows an awesome bar fight during which, at some point, extra baby oil is applied to the muscle bound heroes. They weren’t that glistening a moment ago...

They find their way into the harem of Kadar’s palace and search for Canary - Gore immediately spots a bare breasted sleeping concubine and starts making noises like a honking yak or moose which is both hilarious and really, really strange. They find Canary who tells them they must retrieve the Belly Stone before Kadar finds it, and she tells them where it is, but they must go and equip themselves with the sacred weapons first as it is guarded by a swamp dragon. They leave their queen behind for now (so as not to arouse suspicion or something, but one of the other concubines sees the whole exchange and goes off and tells on them). On the way out, a guard spots them, and in probably the most bizarre bit of the film, the barbarian brothers kiss... to... erm, try and not look inconspicuous in the harem, maybe, like they were just a couple of Kadar’s ladies... Oh I don’t know, it’s just so weird - from the reaction of the brother who was getting kissed, I think it may have been an unplanned spur of the moment decision by the other actor! They take the guard out, and Gore honks his fond farewells to the boobies on display.

Fed up with Kadar’s lack of progress over the preceding years, evil sorceress China tortures poor Queen canary by having her cruelly lashed and finally finds the location of the precious treasure. She takes some men and off they go. When Kadar finds out what has happened, he is furious with China, but decides at least she got the job done, and he takes some more men and Canary off to the swamp where the gem is.

Our heroes find a cave behind a waterfall and enter - they soon locate the hidden scared weapons (and armour) and try a few things out. Ismena also partakes and looks the part as the warrior woman accomplice. A beast watches them, some kind of bear-lion thing, it’s claws come up through the ground and grab at them, but these barbarians have a Strength of 22 or something (D&D terms) and just pull the arms out of their sockets like it was nothing. They get attacked by man-bear-pig from South Park but casually lop off its head with one swipe. They then, bizarrely play with the severed head for a bit. It’s hilarious. They argue over who gets what weapon, etc, and then leave. Ismena seems surprised that the horses have waited outside the cave for them, but Kutchek explains “Of course, it is their instinct, they knew we’d be coming back this way...” Yop.

In the swamp, the Sorceress and her men are attacked by swamp monsters and defeat them - China takes the magic ruby, but then the swamp dragon arises from the depths and kills them all. Oh well. I loved the dragon, it was such a cheap looking prop, but had these awesome expression-filled moving eyebrows! Just then the barbarians appear on the scene and at first flee from the dragon (first thing they’ve seemed worried about all film). However a cunning plan is devised and they hide behind some rocks whilst Ismena lures the beast on - when the dragon goes over the rocks, it gets its belly sliced open. It is filled with green gunge and guts which cover our heroes. They waste no time in going inside the dragon (why would they go inside it..?) and find the dead sorceress still holding the ruby, which they then reclaim. The inside of a swamp dragon flashes with red and green light by the way. Now you know. I wonder who goes in to change the bulbs... The brothers give the gem to Ismena and tell her to get it back to the Ragnik’s camp asap whilst they go off to rescue canary who they think is still in the palace.

But she is in the swamp with Kadar, she uses some sort of magic to confuse him, and cries for the help of the barbarians - they hear her and turn around, heading back into the swamp. In his confusion Kadar stabs Canary with his sword and kills her, which really upsets him. With Canary dead, the ruby turns to stone. Oh dear. I seriously do not know why Canary had to die like that - she was about to be rescued. Huh...

Kutchek and Gore find poor Canary dead, and finally do battle with Kadar, but he is on horseback and is quite sneaky. He uses the sun reflecting off his shiny, shiny shield to dazzle the boys, and then gets a hits of both of them as he rides past with a pair of tricksy daggers. When he comes for another pass the solution is remarkably simple - just take the horse down. Which they do. Just pull it onto the ground ‘cos these barbarians are strong as mega-oxen. Ah, but it’s not over yet: Kadar has a sneaky crossbow hidden in his robe, which he aims at one of the brothers. But in a freak derp, it jams when he goes to shoot it (who knows how long it had been concealed in that robe, you have to oil and maintain these things you know...) Both barbarians then literally throw their swords into Kadar, and that’s the end of him.

Meanwhile at the Ragnik camp, the ruby has come back to life, meaning that there will be a new queen. “Fetch the virgins!” orders the fellow I choose to remember as Moosehead. Disappointingly, there are only two - and the gem, popped onto their bellys, rejects both of them. There must be another. This is like Cinderella all over again. Lo behold, it’s Ismena, who tries to get away but is brought struggling back - “Hold her still and uncover her belly!” Mooseman orders (a line which makes me think about otters), and the Belly Stone indeed fits and stays in place, and Ismena reveals that she has been Karra all along, who everyone assumed had been killed years ago.

The film ends with some brotherly squabbling over who holds the rein and who holds the whip in the wagon, and a lovely embrace from both brothers for Karra. And of course Gore’s obligatory Yak honking as the wagon drives off into the sunset (wonder what was going on there then after the camera had zoomed out).

And then a really bad song to roll the credits over.

I think what does it for me is just the sheer and utter no-holds-barred sense of stupid fun that permeates this film. The barbarian brothers are just a couple of meat-heads doing their best and clearly enjoying themselves in the process.

Rod’s Rating: 6/10