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Friday 19 June 2015

A few old song lyrics of mine and what I think of them now...

Hello! In times gone by I wrote a lot of songs, some of you will know this. the main bulk were written between 1988 and 2004. I always thought more might come of them, but around 330-ish were recorded as extremely rough (cannot stress that enough!) kind of demos on old cassette tapes during the mid '90s to early 2000s - equipment used to make these tapes included an old karaoke machine and drum machine from my old keyboard. I played keyboards, rhythm guitar, bass guitar and (attempted some lead guitar, just mainly to show that's where the solo was meant to go!) and I did my best at singing too, with varying degrees of success and epic failure! My songs varied greatly from pop-rock, punk, metal, doom, death, folk, blues, one or two more ambitious attempts at rap metal and funk / jazz. I still hope one day, but I don't suppose it'll ever happen, to go back and re-record properly some of my songs... the old cassette tapes which store them are gradually fading, and many of the songs I can't really remember how to play properly.

Any way... For the time being I thought I'd look back and pick 2 or 3 and include them here, based around the date today - 19th June - see what I was thinking when I wrote lyrics in the past around this date. So let's have a look -

The Catastrophe
by Rod Maughan (aged 17)
15th June 1989

1          I don't think we should act the way we do
            The only ones left to decide will be me and you
            I can see it, I can hear it - why is it only me?
            The biggest human sacrifice ever, we will be!

2          There are so many puzzles left unsolved
            We can't go now - it's taken us aeons to evolve!
            The possibilities the years to come could bring...
            All you've achieved - nothing means a thing!

Br        Can't stop it! Can't control it!
            It will end in all our deaths!
            Too late now! Too far now!
            But never ever too soon!

Ch       ­­You could never really see
            This catastrophic situation
            And now your soul has been set free
            To wander on and on...

3          Know of all the other creatures on this Earth
            That you're gonna take with you to death
            God, have some mercy... But God isn't real...
            Man is the only god and the wounds will never heal!

4          So damn involved with keeping your life secure
            You never even doubted - you were so sure
            Now it's almost over and your wish will come true...
            Death is so secure and there's nothing you can do!


5          You were so determined never to grow old
            Because of your naivety this planet was sold
            Everybody knew that the world would end
            But they all said 'never mind - leave it to them!'


Oh well, yeah, I know, the last verse is rather a cop out! Couldn't decide how to end it I guess. A bit of a grim song I wrote at the tender age of 17, I was already at that age a vegetarian (that happened when I was 15) and highly motivated and concerned about the environment. I'd also spent much time with my nose in philosophy books and was already intrigued with ideas which would eventually turn me towards a pagan path spiritually.

The music to the song was fast and punchy - it was written at a time I had been self teaching myself keyboards for a year or so and was getting better, and was learning the bass guitar - I was just at the beginning of the electric guitar, so this song was written on the keyboards only, though was very much in a heavy metal style. I did indeed play my old keyboard rather like a thrash metal rhythm guitar back in the late '80s! When I eventually re-recorded this as an exceedingly rough demo around 1997-ish (I think) I re-worked the song to incorporate more guitar parts and also slowed the temp slightly (as it was all rather manic in it's original version!) - the keyboards still drive the song though.

Now here's this one:

The Truth
by Rod Maughan (aged 18)
17th June 1990

1          What lies on the other side?
            What lies beyond the grave?
            Is this the path to self destruction -
            That we pave?

SBr      Why are there no answers?
            Are we not supposed to know?
            This lack of information will cause us to go...

Br        We must go
            For we must know
            We will journey
            For we must see

Ch       (The truth)
            Are you real or am I dreaming?
            But aren't dreams reality too?
            Only you can stop me screaming!
            Do you know what you must do?

2          Will I see you in the after life?
            Or will we both just fade away?
            Hours pass contemplating...
            But still no-one can say





This was very inspired by thrash metal musically - the verses and bridges are kind of mid-paced, plodding, but the choruses were really fast, and the instrumental is also very fast and comes to a bit of a manic climax eventually being longer than the rest of the song; such was my style around '90- '92 before my songs got shorter. I had made great strides learning bass and rhythm guitar by mid 1990 and many of my songs were quite complex, though looking back, rather unwieldy! This came to light when I tried to re-record some of the early '90s songs using my limited drumming options on my old keyboard. Many time changes, slow and fast bits, proved that i need a better drum machine. Or possibly a drummer!

Lyrically... Yeah, I was obsessed with life after death, this is reflected in quite a lot of my lyrics of earlier times. But reading between the lines you can also see my desperation to make a connection with someone, preferably a girlfriend, kindred spirit, soul mate, ie, "Only you can stop me screaming!" Only another like-souled person can come and ease my pain, quiet my troubled brain. Well, within 10 months I had started dating Mandy, and she's done quite a good job over the last 25 years, though my mind is a hard thing to quiet...

 Finally (for now, ha ha...):

New Age
by Rod Maughan (aged 25)
18th June 1997

1          We need you - don't go
            We need you - you're all we know
            The worry - you'll cause us
            The worry - fear of the unknown

2          It's the future that's at stake, don't want you to make
            Any more mistakes - try to learn from them
            The time when you were blind is the past that is behind
            I hope that you will find that your vision is clearer now

Ch       Don't deny it - a brand new age is here
            Don't deny it - there is nothing left to fear
            Don't deny it - a brand new age is here
            Don't deny it - don't deny it

3          I want you - come here
            I want you - I want everyone to hear
            The ignorant - are slow
            The ignorant - they will never know

4          It will be so wonderful - that's what they're saying
            We should start praying that they have got it right
            Because if they have not then things could turn bad
            And it will be so sad - I guess it's up to everyone of us


Simple lyrics, and a song which musically reflected the mixed up stuff I listened to. I suppose you'd call this alternative metal, written around a main riff that sounds heavily borrowed from something off Metallica's Load album, the verses are sang kind of Megadeth "Sweating Bullets", and it has a Smashing Pumpkins meets Faith No More type of chorus... Strange days... By '97 I was writing much less complex songs, usually finding cool riffs and expanding them into songs. It was the vibe and attitude of the song that was important, rather than the musical complexity.

Not my greatest lyrics of the time, but as I said, trying to include songs based on the date. On the surface I think this is a song that is talking to the general population of humanity - buck your ideas up. But when I look deeper, it may well be about my kids and parenthood and how I want the best possible future for them and that I've got to buck my ideas up and face responsibilities! I was heavily into my psychology degree at the time, about a year left to go, and that was taking up a lot of my time. Yes, the more I look at those lyrics, the more I feel like they're a message to me. Well... how well did(n't) I do, that will be discussed some other time I am sure..!

So, there you go. Might do this again some other time with 3 more of my songs. Lucky you!

Bis Später!

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