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Thursday 14 April 2011

BBC News - Cosmos may show echoes of events before Big Bang

This article, from January, is sort of saying what I have been thinking for years.

BBC News - Cosmos may show echoes of events before Big Bang

The universe is infinite, timeless and cyclic - big bangs are events that occur all over the cosmos, spawning local universes... Endless. Sounds right to me.

New Children of Bodom album

I finally bought the new COB album on CD today, and listened to it a couple of times. They are a favourite of mine, though I have to admit I was not all that impressed with their previous album 'Blooddrunk' - it just failed to make an impression on me and I could not get into it, aside from the odd track. This new one though - 'Relentless, Reckless, Forever' makes up for that last album and is something of a good return to form from the Finnish metal band. My only gripe is that the whole thing is over so quickly - there are 9 songs averaging out at about 4 minutes each. The whole thing is finished after 36 minutes, and it just left me thinking - oh, was that it..? I want to hear more. I almost wish they'd took a bit longer to bring the album out and wrote a few more songs. All in all though, as I say, it is a very good album - not as good as their early stuff, but a lot better than their previous effort.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Nothing Day

Today is gonna be another nothing day. I have many things to do... but I do not have any get up and go in me. I think I am living more and more for the days when I go and do my voluntary work. This is highly rewarding, and I crave the structure. However, I do not feel like I can create structure for myself. When it comes down to it, and I have a day like today when I should be doing things (decorating the new house, sorting out boxes, tidying up, gardening or writing letters to pen-pals), all I end up doing is nothing. Or maybe playing a computer game, or just listening to music. I do not have a method to make stuff happen - I simply have to be in the right mood. This might just sound like I am a lazy person - I don't think I am. I am depressed and there is a lot of stress and worry about right now... It is difficult to motivate myself. However, I know that when I have wasted days in which nothing gets done, it makes me feel bad - worse - about myself. So the answer then is obviously to just do something constructive. I can logically reason this all out and everything, and it makes good sense, and I am sure I will feel good about myself afterwards... but I just can't make it happen... Maybe I need to go back on antidepressants again, I dunno... I promise better, happier and varied posts in future updates.