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Tuesday 13 October 2015

Missing my voluntary work

I really miss my voluntary work at the MS Centre. It's really starting to hit home now after a few months away from it. It just ended so abruptly and was such an ugly ending, belying (betraying?) all the fantastic work, help and achievements of over seven years there... Such a shame... :-(

I am still very angry with the manager and with myself, but I should not be angry with myself. I should forgive myself. I chose the course of action, chose to take the stand I took which was instrumental in my departure, with a clear head and because I believed it was the right thing to do.

The manager was at fault. I was doing everything right and to the best of my capabilities. How dare he suspend me? How dare he force me out from doing something I loved and had invested so much of myself in? He is a Grade A arsehole that much is clear. Not just because of how he treated me but many others too whom he forced out. He is a tyrant and a megalomaniac. And how he treats the clients who use the place is disgraceful too.

The writing was on the wall for quite some time with me... For at least 2 years in fact had I entertained thoughts that I may not do it for much longer. So there was, I have to remember, that to consider when I look back in sadness when really missing the place... If the current manager left, I would go back. Or would I? Maybe that chapter of my life should just be allowed to close now. Particularly as they hired someone to fill the role I used to have! Many times I asked for a paid job there, every time I was turned down.

I am very bitter about that. I would like to just scream and punch... So when all is said and done... Yeah, I did good whilst there, I helped those in need and made a positive difference in their lives, and I should feel happy and proud of that. I need to forgive myself over feeling angry about quitting. I am a good person capable of doing very nice things.  :-)

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